24 brightly decorated desks with different colors and styles of rugs, chairs, lamps, monitors, plants, and decor. Several characters are sitting at their desks.
It’s been a bustling month behind the scenes here at Gather working on leveling up our engineering processes. We’ve restarted feature development and look forward to sharing our progress!
🐛 Debug Mode
The Audio & Video section of User Settings, with the Debug Mode feature outlined in red.
We’re adding more and more tools to help us troubleshoot issues to improve client-side stability and performance. One of those tools is Debug Mode. By default, debug mode is turned off. Turn this mode on if you would like to see info on incoming/outgoing audio and video. This will mostly be used when you are troubleshooting issues with our support staff, but if you’re curious you can always try it out on your own! You can also toggle this on/off with the keyboard shortcut 
🦋 Less Flashy Updates and Bug Round Up
  • Resolved several issues with sound emitters.
  • Fixed issue with livestreams loading buffered content rather than live content when you leave a map with a livestream object and return.
  • Fixed issue with gamepad controllers triggering inputs in Gather while tabbed away from Gather.
That's all for now!
- The Gather Team