Image of a garden scene with various trees, tables, games, and decorations
Everything in the above image (Including the arrows and pre-generated help text) can be found in our Mapmaker using our new Object Picker!
🛋️ New Object Picker
image of the new object picker
Our refreshing new Object Picker allows you to easily browse our wide selection of objects and customize them for your own needs. We have over 150 objects and 1400 variants available and plan to continue increasing both of these values over the next few weeks!
Customization options include:
  • Color (and sometimes display options)
  • Direction
  • Object Interaction Type
That's right! You can now make our chairs interactive if you so choose!
Additionally, you can now easily drag and drop in your own custom objects to upload them!
Image of the new drag and drop to uploading interface
Looking forward to seeing all the delightful Spaces created with this powerful new tool!
-The Gather Team