




Updates for April 25, 2021

Happy Spring! We're back this week with a literal actual ton of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Let's go!
πŸ— New Mapmaker UI
Image showing new mapmaker UI with menu
We're excited to announce the release of our newly reworked Mapmaker! The new design has all of the functions of the Mapmaker you know and love with the addition of some new, exciting, and often-requested features including:
  • Duplicating existing objects! ( Use Ctrl/⌘ + C with the object you wish to duplicate selected!)
  • If the object you duplicated was a Gather Object, you can still rotate and change colors as if you just selected it out of the object picker!
  • An Object Context Menu! (Options to move an object forward or back, duplicate, and delete!)
  • Tile coordinates display!
🎀 Volume Level Indicator
image showing audio level indicator in user settings
The volume level indicator shows your microphone's volume level and allows for test playback in the user settings page and the initial camera and microphone check. Can you hear me now?
πŸ”„ Turn in Place
A character looking left and right while standing in place then moving to a chair and facing down
Gather avatars can now turn in place! To turn in place, stand still for a moment, and then tap either the arrow key or the WASD key corresponding to the direction you wish to face.
No more staring over the back of the couch!
πŸŽ“ New Avatars
A photo of several avatars in graduation uniforms with two bald avatars in sweater vests on either side of group
It's graduation season! Congrats to the Class of 2021. Show off your academic achievements in a variety of colors. We're also introducing a bald avatar with a spiffy sweater vest! Whatever look you decide to go with, remember: wear sunscreen.
πŸ–± Click Interactions (In Beta, Gradual Roll Out)
gif of avatar moving back and forth using click interaction
Gather now features a new way to get around: Clicks! Double-left-click on a tile to walk to it. Clicking to move will automatically try and avoid private spaces, bumping into people, and the office coffee maker at 3 PM.
You can also right click (or two-finger click) on a participant to open a context menu. This menu lets you follow someone, send them a message, or start a bubble.
image showing close-up of context menu
On Mobile, you can long-press to open and use the Context Menu, but the "send chat" function is not supported.
πŸ’¬ Bubbles (In Beta, Gradual Roll Out)
gif showing one person starting a bubble with another by right clicking. They then automatically move over to the other person and a colored bubble appears around them
A bubble is a conversational aside between you and another person. Need to get a word in, but don't wanna disturb the flow? Break out into a bubble.
People outside your bubble will still be able to hear you, albeit very softly (and with transparent video). People can join and leave bubbles freely, even across private spaces.
Screen sharing in a bubble will broadcast your screen to everyone who could see you in a normal conversation.
To start a bubble, click another participant to open the context menu and select 'Start bubble'.
πŸ› Minor Updates and Bug Round up
  • Time-limited invitation links are back!
  • Minor menu text updates!
  • New Beta Warning screen in Safari!
  • Search bar fixes on the dashboard!
  • Text no longer disappears under interactive objects!
  • Desktop App Auto-Mute Fixes!
  • Updated Object Picker Categories!
  • Canvas Drawing Performance Improvements
That's all for now!
- The Gather Team